Special issues deadline is postponed!

Dear Authors,

this is important information for all of you, who didn’t submit the final paper to special issues yet:

  • the deadline for special issue Green Logistics for Greener Cities (Sustainable City and Society) is postponed till 20th of January;
  • the deadline for special issue Green City Logistics (Sustainability) is postponed till 31st of January.

Best regards and wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Stanisław Iwan

Dear Attendees!

Thank you for participating in 4th International Conference Green Logistics for Greener Cities. We believe that it was good time for you, valuable sessions and interesting experiences. Very sorry for problems with some posters during the poster sessions. It was not easy to manage few parallel virtual meetings room. Moreover, some authors didn’t register into the ZOOM system. In this cases there were no host for a meeting. Next time we will arrange it better. The posters are still available and you are asking to communicate directly with their authors to discuss them.

Let’s talk about next steps.

Soon we will start to send the conference proceedings as a pdf file with all papers introduced during the conference. This papers will not be available on-line. We will send it directly to participants only.

From 1st of October the submission systems of special issues will be open. prepare please updated and expanded versions of your papers and submit according to the journal expectations. The deadline for submission is 31.12.2020. Consider please that submitted papers will be reviewed under the chosen journal expectations and rules. Also, all publication costs will be paid by authors according to the rules of the journals.

We strongly believe that in May 2022 we will meet in Szczecin during the 5th International Conference Green Logistics for Greener Cities!

Stay healthy and take care of yourself in this strange COVID-19 time.

Green Cities 2020 Posters available here!

The guide to virtual Green Cities 2020 venue is available here.

Green Cities 2020 final agenda is available here!

The registration is available now here.

The preliminary agenda is available now here!

All Authors of accepted papers are asked to prepare the posters using the GC2020-Poster-template. More details here.

Dear Participants!

This year Green Cities Conference will be available
on-line only
and will be
free of charge

It means that you don’t need to pay any conference fee. Also all previously sent money will be refunded.

It was hard decision for us. The best way to share knowledge and experiences is to directly meet each other and to spend good time talking. Also it’s important to establish new contacts and relationship. However, considering the present situation and some messages, which we received, we decided that on-line conference will be the best option for now. We strongly believe that next, 5th Green Cities Conference in 2022, will be organized like in the past.

Due to that this year Conference is free of charge, we will not cover any publication costs in journals. The costs will be covered by authors according to journals’ rules and expectations.

More details and schedule will be available soon.

The conference papers which will not be published in special issues we offer third way – publication in Scientific Journals of The Maritime University of Szczecin.

Considering present very hard, unexpected situation with coronavirus crisis, 4th Green Cities – Green Logistics for Greener Cities Conference is postponed to 23-24 of September 2020.
We strongly believe that till this time many things will be much better and you will be able to participate in this event.
We kindly ask you to check the schedule changes.
Hopefully, you will come in September to Szczecin and we will spend good time together here.

Updated information will be available soon.

Be safe and take care yourself!

Stay home and avoid coronavirus!!!

Dear Authors,

There will be three options for publication of expanded papers after the conference (based on additional review track):

More details soon.

New full paper submission deadline 31.03.2020!!!

The full paper template is available here: 4th International Conference Green Cities 2020-template.

The abstract deadline is extended till 15th of December 2019!!!

New conference e-mail address: greencities@am.szczecin.pl

Hello again. 4th edition of Green Cities conference will come true! The conference flyer is available here: GreenCities2020.

The conference will provide a platform for exchange of knowledge and experiences on the implementation of urban logistics solutions in the context of sustainable development, with particular emphasis on environmental issues and reducing the negative impact of urban freight transport on the environment. The major topic of the 4th edition of the Conference will be development of electromobility in city logistics.

Submission is now available here: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=greencities2020
Use please the GC2020-Abstract template.

The conference will provide a platform for exchange of knowledge and experiences on the implementation of urban logistics solutions in the context of sustainable development, with particular emphasis on environmental issues and reducing the negative impact of urban freight transport on the environment. The major topic of the 4th edition of the Conference will be development of electro-mobility in city logistics.

List of topics:

  • The impact of urban freight transport on the environment.
  • Utilization of electro-mobility in city logistics.
  • Presentation of the new trends in eco-logistics.
  • The impact of freight distribution on the functioning of tourist and health resorts.
  • Computerization of urban infrastructure and city logistics.
  • IT platforms for freight distribution in urban areas.
  • Modelling freight distribution in urban areas.
  • Planning freight distribution in the context of sustainable development.
  • Urban industrial infrastructure.
  • City marketing as support for sustainable development.
  • Public-private partnerships for sustainable urban logistics.
  • Safety aspects in urban freight transport.
  • Metropolitan environment monitoring in terms of freight transport.
  • The impact of logistics systems on the effective functioning of metropolitan areas.
  • Economic aspects of improving safety in the freight distribution in urban areas.
  • Sustainable logistics in the urban tourist area.